Sunday, September 27, 2009

Disrespecting Our Executive Commander-In-Chief and (ALL) Members of Our Armed Forces, including Airmen At Moody Air Force Base Georgia.. How Sad?

TO Letters to the Editor, Internet and beyond  (Short Version)

I worked vigorously to get President Barack Obama elected, and after his win thought the worst criticism was over.  However the unprecedented attacks upon him, his wife Michelle, their children, and friends will probably continue far beyond the Health Care debate.

Moreover my sympathy goes out to all members of our armed forces, their spouses, and dependent children, as they must listen to criticism of their parents Executive Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and in other war torn area around the world. 

The damage being done by calling our Executive Commander-In-Chief a racists, illegal alien, socialists, terrorists, ignorant, hates White people, and hates America among hundreds of other derogatory comments does not unify members of our armed forces now serving on foreign battlefields.

During the presidential election a 92-year-old lady in Valdosta, Georgia said she had never seen a presidential candidate criticized as much as Senator Barack Obama.  Not even during slavery or when Blacks were brought to these shores in the year of 1555 aboard a salve ship called Jesus captained by one Sir John Hawkins a White European Slave Trader did Blacks disrespect or condemn the other 43 White Male Presidents as is now being done to our 44th President.

So regardless of how we may feel about our soldiers Executive Commander In-Chief, all commissioned and non-commissioned officers must rise above the criticism, hatred, and disagreement and carry out the assigned mission as all active duty, discharged veterans, and retired military veterans understand.

Yet there are those who believe that unless their particular candidate (Democratic, Republican, or Independent) with the same religious beliefs wins the office of president.  Then it becomes their duty and responsibility to insure that the president fail at all cost and without question or apology.

Therefore it is up to the American people to stop sending politicians to Washington bent on dividing our nation and contributing to disunity among the ranks of our armed forces perhaps for generations to come.  God bless America!

Retired United States Armed Forces
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Two heads may be better than one but never forget which one belongs to you.{GBR}

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