Wednesday, November 11, 2009

President Barack Obama "CANNOT" do anything RIGHT, by: "George Boston Rhynes"


Never before in the history our nation have we found so much wrong in an American president. Moreover with President Barack Obama our first Black African President there is always something wrong.  Even before he became president either he was too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short. During his campaign there were complaints that he was not qualified for the job or he was over qualified for the job. But there was always something wrong with him and his wife Michelle.  If he was from the North, he should have been from the South. If he was a Muslim, he should have been Christian. If he was a Jew he should have been a Muslim. He was either with us or he was against us. There seemed to be no win for him, but he did.  So let us face the modern day reality. If the Messiah Jesus returned today!  He would be seen by many Americans as either too early or too late. Over qualified or not qualified but there is always something wrong with the best people among us. Yes, there seem to always be something wrong with certain people.  From the time Senator Barack Obama launched his bid for the office of President of the United States the media, and others seem obsessed. “Is he, (Senator Obama), too politically inexperienced along with some other million other reasons never before asked of any other presidential candidate in the history of our nation?”  So, why this obsession with downing our 44th president in the eyes of the world.  How many of us still remember people talking during the campaign about his alleged lack of experience? When in fact, no American President came into the oval office with experience in that office. They gained experience by serving in the office. We often forget that human beings are born inexperienced. They could not breath, crawl, cry, eat food, talk, drink water, or protect themselves from danger but we all learned and survived.  Therefore as a concerned citizen, brother of humanity and Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran during the Vietnam era, I say to President Obama please understand that the greatest man to set foot on earth was treated in like fashion.  People often forget that helping those that need help brings out the best in why we attend religious institutions on various days of worship.  So Mr. Obama be strong and help return the government back to the American people by showing that somebody cares about people outside of themselves, and history will reward you as others who were criticized while they lived, but their reward is yet to come.   Now Concerning health care reform, well we have had enough experienced career politicians from both political parties and they are doing a great job in destroying our beloved nation and its image around the world with negativity.  Yes, it is indeed time for change!  GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES, RETIRED UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES VETERAN, A CONCERNED CITIZEN AND BROTHER OF HUMANITY

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